Team Solusta at Qatar National Sport Day 2019

Our Team: 57 staff members

Today team Solusta assisted visitors of all ages and interests during the annual celebration of Qatar National Sport Day.

The biggest activity zone was organised at Qatar Foundation. The four main locations of the Education City included Oxygen Park, the Ceremonial Court, the Ceremonial Green Spine, and Multaqa. Visitors had a chance to participate in many fun activities. The highlight of the day was the 3km obstacle course.

As always team Solusta was in charge of greeting the guests and providing information about all the sport activities in the venue.

Another notable activation was organised in the Aspire Zone. Visitors of Aspire park could watch an amazing Sambo show. Everyone who wanted to learn some new moves were taught and guided by the professional Sambo coaches. Our team assisted the organisers in promoting the event among the visitors and signing them up for the learning sessions.

Once again we would like to extend our thanks to fischerAppelt Marketing and Zoom Arts & Design for presenting us with the opportunity to participate in this wonderful event. Team Solusta is eagerly looking forward to the next year’s edition!

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